Yemeni Vigna from the Yemen Products Center :
Cowpea is one of the nutritious legumes with a delicious taste, and it is an annual or bi-annull herbaceous plant. It belongs to the genus Cowpea of ​​the order of legumes, and it is one of the plants that contains rich and useful nutrients.
The plant is considered one of the most famous agricultural crops for ancestors, such as corn and millet, which ancestors cannot dispense with in Yemen and some countries. It is also characterized by its availability and cheap price, which makes it available to many.

Benefits of Yemeni Vigna from the Yemen Products Center :
Cowpea lubricates the spleen, stomach and pancreas, helps urination.
The soluble fiber present in cowpeas has a low glycemic index and is therefore safe for diabetics. The high fiber content also has an important role in improving diabetes.
Cowpeas are rich in lignin compounds, which have a role in the prevention of osteoporosis, heart disease, and some types of cancer.
strengthening the circulatory system in the body; This is because it contains thiamine, which strengthens the heart The flavonoids in kidney bean may help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Phytosterols found in cowpeas help lower blood cholesterol levels. treatment of anemia; This is because it contains iron rid the body of toxins.
Thanks to its antioxidant content Treating insomnia problems, as it contains compounds that have the effect of chemical hypnotics. And help calm the nerves, And support the nervous system.
Treating mental disorders such as anxiety and depression; Thanks to the fact that it contains compounds that improve the general mood of the person.
It helps in strengthening bones, and reducing the risk of osteoporosis, thanks to its calcium, phosphorous and magnesium content.
Cowpeas are low in fat and sodium and contain no cholesterol.