Millet flour from Yemen Products Center :
Millet flour is one of the types of flour that is crushed from millet grains, and millet is a small spherical grain known since ancient times.
It grows in dry areas such as Asia and Africa.
People have made bread from it centuries ago, and it is called poor bread.
Millet flour contains many important minerals and vitamins, and therefore it is one of the valuable types of flour that benefit the health of the body.
Millet flour from Yemen Products Center has a high nutritional value equivalent to the grain before the milling process.
It tops the shelves of healthy food places in many different countries of the world, as it is characterized by its low percentage of fat, despite its richness in protein, fiber and iron.
It contains an amino acid that improves mood, contributes to quality sleep and helps control appetite, in addition to the high fiber content of millet.
Which contribute to controlling the level of sugar in the blood during the day, and then millet is one of the best ideal choices for breakfast or as a snack between main meals.
Energy: 455 kcal. Carbohydrates 89.39 grams. Protein 12.79 grams. Phosphorous 339 milligrams. Potassium 267 milligrams. Fat 5.06 gr. Fiber 4.2 g.
Because millet contains many nutrients, it helps the body to perform its functions to the fullest.

Among the most important general benefits of millet flour are the following:
Millet contains a large percentage of phosphorous, which regulates blood pressure in the body and maintains its balance.
Millet contributes to fighting many diseases, such as various types of cancer and works to defend the body
Millet helps reduce appetite and control weight, as it contains a large percentage of the Tri-Petu Fan element, which increases the time of digestion, prolonging the period of feeling full and full.
Millet prevents clumping of blood platelets, which increases during sunstroke, because it does not contain triglycerides.
Millet eliminates fats and carbohydrates that harm the body, which contributes to preventing obesity, clots and atherosclerosis, because it contains vitamin B.
Millet helps delay aging and signs of aging, because it contains a large proportion of antioxidants, which eliminate free radicals.
Millet helps improve digestion and treat constipation, as it contains a large percentage of soluble fiber.
Millet strengthens muscles and contributes to building tissues, because it contains a large amount of protein
Millet strengthens the scalp and helps in the growth of new hair follicles in a short time.
Millet helps to increase the production and production of milk when breastfeeding.
Millet reduces menstrual pain in women, because it contains a large level of magnesium.