Rosemary provided by Yemen Products Center:

Rosemary is a popular evergreen shrub that is native to the Mediterranean and used in cooking all over the world. Its leaves can be eaten fresh or dried, and it is popularly consumed as a tea or infused oil.

The medicinal uses of Rosemary have been praised for centuries, but scientific research has only recently corroborated these claims. Initial research affirms rosemary as an important addition to the diet, as it contains a wide variety of nutrients that are essential for health. 

Health Benefits

Rosemary is high in Manganese, an essential nutrient for metabolic health. Manganese also helps the body to form blood clots, allowing injuries to heal faster.

Rosemary has a number of additional health benefits, including: 

Potentially Reduced Risk of Cancer

Rosemary contains carnosic acid, a compound known for its powerful antioxidant properties. Studies have found that carnosic acid can slow the growth of cancer cells in the body and even lower the risk of developing tumors.

Immune System Support

Studies have shown that the carnosic and rosmarinic acids in rosemary have powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Consuming rosemary regularly can potentially help lower the risk of infection and help the immune system fight any infections that do occur.

Stress Reduction

Although more research is needed, preliminary studies indicate that rosemary has a positive impact on reducing anxiety and stress. In a randomized trial conducted on university students, rosemary was found to improve the students’ sleep quality and lower their anxiety levels when compared with a placebo. 

Improved Memory and Concentration

Rosemary has been used for centuries as a memory aid, and studies in aromatherapy using rosemary have corroborated some of these claims. One study found significant improvements in cognitive performance within 20 minutes of inhaling rosemary essential oil.