Lavender provided by Yemen Products Center

Lavender is one of the most beloved fragrances in the world. From lavender essential oil to lavender soaps and teas, this vibrant purple flower makes a statement. It's known for its calming effects, making it the perfect bedtime tea.

Lavender tea offers a delicate flavor and aromatic fragrance that boasts extensive health benefits. Unearth the beauty of this floral plant and find out how drinking a cuppa of lavender can boost your health.

You eat, drink, inhale, or topically apply lavender in a few different forms to reap its benefits:

Soothe sleep problems with aromatherapy or a cup of lavender tea.
Ease anxiety with aromatherapy or lavender capsules.
Inhale or use lavender topically for headaches and migraines.
Sip lavender tea or try aromatherapy to help reduce stress and depression symptoms.
Apply lavender topically for skin health.