Yemeni Red Seeds provided by Yemen Products Center :

Yemeni Red Seeds , Garden Cress is an edible related to the family of watercress, mustard and is known for its peppery, tangy flavour and aroma.
It is a winter perennial and the leaves are extensively used as a garnish in European foods like pasta, sandwiches, while the tiny, nutty seeds are used in salads, soups and smoothies.

Health Benefits Of Garden Cress Seeds

Prevents Asthma

The symptoms of asthma can be remarkably lowered by taking Garden Cress seeds as the presence of an active compound aids in improving the lung functions. Chewing Garden Cress seeds serves as a good expectorant that helps in treating cough and sore throat.

Improves Haemoglobin

Consuming Garden Cress seeds helps in improving haemoglobin levels in the long run and treats anemia. The richness of iron in Garden Cress seeds promotes the production of red blood cells.

Good For Gut Health

The abundance of fibre in Garden Cress seeds is a potent laxative that helps in relieving the symptoms of constipation and indigestion. Eating it regularly helps in regularizing the bowel movements. It can also be given to children mixed with water to treat colic issues.

Regulates Menstruation

Garden Cress seeds is a natural way to normalize the irregular menstrual cycle. The phytochemicals in Garden Cress seeds are very similar to the estrogen hormone that helps in regularizing the cycle.

Boosts Memory

Garden Cress seeds are abundant in essential fats linolenic acids and arachidonic fatty acids and this combination of good fats functions as an excellent memory-booster.

Good For Skin And Hair Health

Garden Cress seeds paste mixed with honey is an excellent remedy to treat sunburn, irritated skin, and dry skin and soothe the skin. In addition, this blend can even be applied on your dry and chapped lips.
It is super rich in protein and other essential minerals such as iron and magnesium that prevent hair loss, you can either eat it or apply paste on the hair, for naturally shiny hair.