Health mixture for married and young people provided by Yemen Products Center:

Honey is a sweet and nutritious substance that people usually consume unaware of the many benefits associated with it, as it helps fight skin infections and enhances sexual performance.

The benefits of honey for sexual ability in general

There is no doubt that honey has tremendous benefits for a healthy sex life, including:

Increases sexual desire: Honey improves your mood due to its aphrodisiac properties, as honey can raise your desire to a large extent.
Improves sexual performance in men and women: Regular consumption of honey generally enhances your sexual performance, as it facilitates smooth blood flow to the genitals which in turn leads to stronger erections.
Slows down premature ejaculation: honey helps to slow down the period of time that couples take to have intercourse because of its role in slowing down premature ejaculation.

Health mixture for married and young people

It is a special mixture of honey and some natural materials extracted from plants, etc., and it has many benefits that are used to increase sexual ability and improve performance.
As everyone knows that honey has many benefits for the body and after mixing it with other natural ingredients, it becomes excellent for treating many problems such as sexual weakness, coldness in the relationship and other sexual problems that many couples and men are exposed to in particular.
The mixture of honey, royal jelly and pollen for men is one of the best-known mixtures that has gained popularity among them thanks to its wonderful ingredients, as many of its users said that it was a reason to solve many problems, and worked to stabilize their married life.

Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is produced from the secretions of bees. It may be light yellow in color and darken when it comes into contact with air. A beehive can produce a maximum of 300 grams of royal jelly. It consists of approximately 13 and 18% protein, about 15% carbohydrate, and about 3 and 6% fat.
It is also an excellent source of minerals such as zinc, iron, potassium and calcium because it contains all the B vitamins and antioxidants.
Thanks to this wonderful nutritional component, you will get a stronger immunity and help the body to fight infection. It also helps to overcome fatigue and stress and improves sleep in addition to many benefits to the body.

Pollen is the process of plant reproduction and is a major source of vitamins and protein for bees. The bees work to take these grains when standing on the flowers. The grains intertwine with the hairs in his body and go with him from the male members of the plant to the female, and in this way pollination takes place.

the components:
Galangal - natural honey - queen food - ginseng - palm pollen - pollen - other herbs

the benefits:-

* Helps to get an erection and get rid of impotence
* It increases sperm count and improves its efficiency
* Increases activity and vitality in the body
*memory activates*