Castor oil from Dr. Davy provided by the Yemeni Products Center:

Castor oil is a thick, odorless oil made from the seeds of the castor plant. Its use dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was first used as lamp fuel and later for medicinal and beauty treatments — Cleopatra reportedly believed the oil would brighten the whites of her eyes.

Health Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor oil is a common ingredient in many beauty products. It’s rich in essential fatty acids that moisturize the skin, and research continues to study how their properties may be effective in treating common skin conditions.
Castor oil has also been used to help pregnant women with delivery for centuries. In fact, a survey from 1999 found that 93% of midwives in the U.S. used castor oil to induce labor. While further research is needed, one study found that castor oil initiated labor in 91% of women with little to no childbirth complications.

Other potential health benefits associated with castor oil include:

Laxative Properties
One of castor oil’s most traditional uses is to stimulate digestion, relieving temporary constipation. Modern research has found that this effect is due to the oil’s high levels of ricinoleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid that acts as a natural laxative.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Studies show that castor oil’s ricinoleic acid reduces swelling and pain caused by inflammation. Research suggests that, when applied to the skin, castor oil may reduce arthritis symptoms more effectively than prescription topical treatments. More studies are needed to confirm this effect in humans.

May Heal Wounds
Castor oil’s fatty acids are natural humectants, substances used to moisturize the skin by preventing water loss. This effect can promote good skin health, relieve dryness, and soothe skin inflammation.
It may also have the potential to accelerate wound healing. Castor oil is a triglyceride that has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Research shows that, when applied to the skin, it may prevent infection, reduce inflammation, improve localized blood flow, and shed damaged skin cells — all of which help skin's healing process.

Treats Some Skin Conditions
Castor oil can benefit overall skin health, but may treat specific skin conditions as well. Though there’s a lack of clinical research, its combination of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing effects is thought to help treat some causes of acne. One study showed that castor oil also fights fungal infections, which may help relieve hard-to-treat fungal acne.
Other studies have found castor oil helpful in the treatment of melasma, dandruff, and ringworm.