Yemani Barr flour (HALBA'A) from the Yemen Products Center:
Yemani Barr flour  is a product of ground whole wheat grains, which is used in the preparation of wheat bread, or brown bread of all kinds.
In addition to preparing some types of cakes, cakes, biscuits, and other products.
Yemani Barr flour contains an important group of nutrients that made it an ideal substitute for white flour or flaked flour; This is because the husks, or the so-called bran, contain large amounts of natural fibers that provide the body with many benefits. It also protects against colon and bowel cancers

Benefits of Yemani Barr flour  from the Yemen Products Center :
Yemani Barr flour  is considered a mine for many nutrients important to the body, such as essential fatty acids, folic acid, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, and vitamin A in moderate proportions.
Yemani Barr flour  contains many minerals necessary for the health of organ functions; Zinc, manganese, and potassium.
Eating Yemani Barr flour helps to feel full for long periods due to its high content of dietary fibers that help digest food for longer periods, and thus the person feels full for longer periods.
Yemani Barr flour prevents constipation, and facilitates bowel movement thanks to its content of dietary fiber as well.
Yemani Barr flour  regulates the digestive process, helps increase metabolism, and raises the burning parameters in the body.
Yemani Barr flour  protects against the risks of obesity represented in heart disease and diabetes; Women are advised to eat from twenty-one to twenty-five grams of it per day, while men are advised to eat at least thirty to thirty-eight grams per day.
Yemani Barr flour is considered a major source of energy, and thus provides the daily stock that the body needs to carry out physical efforts. Continuously eating Yemani Barr flour reduces the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, and therefore a person who is regular on a diet that contains wheat flour with sports will get a flat stomach faster than people who do not include it in their diets.
Yemani Barr flour  reduces the body mass index, especially in athletes, and the elderly who suffer from chronic diseases.