Kashmiri Sidr Honey in Yemen Products Center is one of the most distinctive honey in the world that is obtained from Sidr trees in Kashmir valley.It ranks as the most luxurious, most expensive and most unusual honey in general, due to the presence of related healthy means and great flavor. It is 100% Pure, Organic honey in raw form. Sidr Honey is derived from the nectar of the Ziziphus or (Sidr Trees).
Sidr Honey has been researched to contain higher counts of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as compared to any other types of honey.
Sidr honey helps to fight away the respiratory infection. It also helps to get rid of many antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
One of the benefits of Sidr honey:
Ulcers and Digestive Aid.
Sidr honey lowers bad cholesterol LDL levels in the blood.
Sidr honey as aphrodisiac.
Sidr honey to weight loss.
Sidr honey to skin problems.
Sidr honey as anti-Aging Properties.