Indian Costus provided by Yemen Products Center :

The Indian costus is a piece of wood that looks a bit like siwak, being a little wider and smell a bit like the smell of ginger and Arabic is also called al qosst or Kosst al.
Indian costus is classified as one of the best species as it is extremely hot is directly extracted from a plant that Costus is a length just loan one and a half meters.

The Indian costus has many benefits:

It Can treat pharyngitis and inflammation of the soft palate.
Can Also be used to treat tonsil.
Clean and expel germs.
Reducing the blood sugar levels in the blood ..
Helps Lower blood pressure.
Reduce cholesterol levels.
And has a property to activate blood Alddorh benefit from the use of hormones and glands and Indian slice can be used for the purpose of dealing with problems that can occur in the sinuses.
In Case of hormonal imbalance in women, the Indian costus helps restore this balance, whatever the very low or very high rates.
help To revitalize the body in general and can also calm the nerves.
Lower cholesterol in the blood.
Stimulating sexual weaknesses and increase libido in men and women.
Helps Cleanse the blood.
Treat Urinary problems.
Expulsion of gas from the body.
Stimulate Pancreas.
Useful for the case of inflammation of the liver or kidneys.
Can Also eliminate colds when used as incense.
Expand and enlarge the veins
In Case of problems that may occur in the joints
If Inflammation of the liver or kidneys.
The Indian costus is used since ancient times in particular for problems at the reproductive system and in case of infertility and weakness etc ....
In some cases the Indian costus can also treat syphilis, purify the blood and treat psoriasis, alopecia, hair and some of the diseases in addition costus can cure constipation, bronchitis, cholera treatment and inflammation of eye as well as cancer of the mouth.