
10 AED 13 AED

Benefits of Dom:
Regulates high pressure rates. Treats asthma and chest diseases. Treats prostate enlargement. Promotes hair growth; Therefore, it is useful for treating cases of baldness. Reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood. It treats sexual dysfunction in men and increases sperm count. Treats mouth and gum ulcers. Treats cases of hemorrhoids. Treats sunstroke by eating it raw. It treats infertility in women by mixing doum pollen with natural honey.
How to make ground doum:
  Ingredients: A quarter cup of ground doum. Two liters of water. A large cup of sugar. Preparation method Video you may like: We put the ground dum and sugar in a deep pot over low heat. Stir constantly until the sugar dissolves, being careful not to change the color of the sugar. Add water after the sugar dissolves, and leave the mixture on the fire until it boils. Remove it from the heat immediately after boiling until it cools. We put it in the refrigerator and drink it cold.
Product number (1900097)
