Yemeni Fenugreek

15 AED 20 AED

Yemeni fenugreek is an herbal plant used in many cultures around the world for medicinal purposes and as a food seasoning. It is considered a nutritional supplement rich in nutrients and effective plant compounds. Here are some of the benefits of Yemeni fenugreek:

1. Promoting digestion: Yemeni fenugreek contains dietary fibers that help improve the digestion process and relieve intestinal disorders such as bloating and gas. It also enhances the secretion of digestive juices and improves bowel movement.

2. Regulating blood sugar levels: Yemeni fenugreek contains effective compounds such as allicin and fenugrecosides that can contribute to regulating blood sugar levels. They may be beneficial for people who have diabetes or want to keep their blood sugar levels stable.

3. Support respiratory health: Yemeni fenugreek contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can support respiratory health. It may help relieve cough and chest congestion and improve overall breathing.

4. Promoting skin and hair health: Yemeni fenugreek contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that are believed to be able to improve skin and hair health. It may help reduce acne, moisturize the skin, and improve hair growth.

5. Supporting milk production for breastfeeding mothers: Yemeni fenugreek is used in some cultures to increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers. It may be beneficial for mothers who suffer from low milk production.
Weight: 250 grams
Product number (6000030)

Yemeni Fenugreek