Myrtus oil

8 AED 10 AED

Myrtle oil, also known as catnip oil, is a natural oil extracted from the leaves and herbs of the myrtle plant. Myrtle oil contains active compounds such as menthol and menthol, and therefore has health and therapeutic benefits. Here are some of the known benefits of myrtle oil:

1. Soothe the digestive system: Myrtle oil has a soothing effect on the digestive system. It can be used to relieve gas, bloating, and irritation in the stomach and intestines. It may be useful in cases of digestive headaches and nausea.

2. Relieve congestion and respiratory congestion: Myrtle oil helps relieve congestion and respiratory congestion. It can be inhaled to stimulate the respiratory tract and relieve symptoms associated with colds and flu.

3. Relieve headaches: Myrtle oil is known for its ability to relieve headaches and nervous tension. It can be used in massage to soothe muscles and relieve tension headaches.

4. Improve focus and attention: There is some research indicating that myrtle oil can help improve focus and attention. It can be used in massage or inhalation to stimulate the mind and enhance awareness and attention.

5. Calm the nerves and relieve stress: Myrtle oil is believed to have a calming effect on the nerves and can help relieve stress and anxiety. It can be used to relax, calm the mind and improve sleep.

Size: 50 ml

Product number (3000043)

Myrtus oil